Calle El Morro, Puerto Plata

Multicentro La Sirena

809-586-4118 / 809-586-4119


Which glasses frame should you wear according to your face?


Men's eyewear


Women's eyewear


Choose the ideal frame for your face!

Take a photo of your face from the front to compare it with our sketches.

Have the sketches at your fingertips and compare your face in front of a mirror.

 Heart-shaped face frame

Features: You have a wide forehead and cheeks. Your chin is small.

Ideal framework: Opt for rectangular or small frames, as they allow attention to be focused on the upper part of your face.

 Square face frame

Features: You have a pronounced forehead and cheekbones. Your chin is wide and pronounced.

Ideal framework: Choose oval frames and forget about those with rectangular corners.

Frame for round face

Features: You do not have marked features and have a sweet expression. Your chin is short.

Ideal framework: Use large square or rectangular frames with thick rims.

Oval face frame

Features: Your face has symmetrical proportions. The upper part is slightly wider and tapers gently toward the chin.

Ideal framework: Congratulations! All frames look good on you, just avoid making them too big.

Frame for elongated face

Features: You have a thin forehead and cheeks, and your chin is thin.

Ideal framework: Thick frames are perfect for you, as they shorten your face and give it a wider, more proportionate appearance.

Triangular face frame

Features: You have a small forehead and a pronounced chin.

Ideal framework: Opt for elongated frames, as they add volume to the upper part of your face.

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